Unit 8
ferry transbordadoranswer respuesta
asking pidiendo
below abajo
guess adivinar
chart tabla
paragraph párrafo
endings terminaciones
both ambos
smoothie Batido
1)The Bornholm ferry's port of arrival.
2)Now answer my questions and answer them quick.
3)Mother keeps asking for a picture.
4)Concentrations below these levels would minimise harmful effects on human health.
5)Hey, I guess people have lookalikes.
6)Sends the chart as an email attachment.
7)Finally, paragraph 39 is also incorrect.
8) No doubt - endings are hard.
9) We both got reinstated, both getting commendations.
10)Next visit, my smoothie is free.
Unit 9
cleaned limpiado
stayed hospedado
roommate compañero de cuarto
couple pareja
above arriba
Unscramble descifrar
felt sentido
statements declaraciones
Sentence frase
meanings significados
2) Thank God our cousin could be estayed.
3) Studied all night with my roommate.
4) To go to the dance must be couple.
5) A general ranks above a colonel
6) So we'll have to use our computers to try to unscramble the chain.
7) I felt pretty good, considering.
8) No statements were made under this item.
9) Sentence suspended, condition to military service.
10)Mr President, the Solidarity movement had three meanings.
Unit 10
neighbor vecino
each cada
appointments citas
Unscramble descifrar
responses respuestas
goodness bondad
Interview entrevista
Volunteer voluntario
wedding boda
Journal revista
Awfull horrible
1) A neighbor walking her dog found her.
2) Details about each region are presented below.
3)Mr Selfridge had a full list of appointments...
4)We were able to partially Unscramble it.
5)Their responses are reproduced in chapter II.
6)Go get some of that gorgeous goodness.
7)Interview terminated at 6:17pm.
8)Volunteer work is a significant experience in personal development;
9)This is Natasha's wedding day.
10) See page 1 of this Official Journal.
Unit 11
scared Miedo
either Cualquiera de los dos
embarrassing Embarazoso
mistakes Errores
pleased Satisfecho
bought Comprado
Intonation Entonación
falls Caídas
rise Subir
Weather Yiempo
1)To wash away these awfull years.
2)We will be even more scared.
3)No sign of that happening either.
4)Therefore it is doubly embarrassing for me.
5)The gangsters kill those who make mistakes
6)Therefore, we are pleased to welcome it.
7)I bought my nephew your album yesterday.
8)Adopt his gestures, poses and intonation.
9)Ash Wednesday falls on a Monday.
10)Poverty and social exclusion continue to rise.
11)Weather permitting, I'll depart tomorrow.
Unit 12
offer oferta
habits hábitos
shellfish mariscos
eggs huevos
guess adivinar
cucumbers pepinos
picky exigente
Would Sugiero
between entre
backpack mochila
1)This generous offer is very welcome.
2)Improving dietary habits and the quality of food.
3)You then asked me about shellfish.
4)Birds were induced to lay eggs.
5)I guess everyone reacts in different ways.
6)Glasshouse use: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergines.
7)Because I'm pretty picky about what I eat.
8)Would suggest quick glance into her cabin.
9)The meeting recognised no borders between countries or between people.
10)Easier if you left that backpack behind.
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